Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Big Lebowski Blog

The Big Lebowski

Compare and contrast the portrayal of both genders in this film. When gender is portrayed as more powerful? Which is smarter? Which is more successful?

The men in this movie are portrayed as losers, while the women are portrayed as shallow. So neither sex can really win in the sense of the way they are portrayed. BUT.. The woman do come off as more powerful, smarter and more successful. HOW? well.. take a look at these examples:

BUNNY- Uses her body as power, to manipulate people.
MAUDE- Supplies her father with allowance. Always in control of situations.

The women in The Big Lebowski use their gender to take advantage of situations.
All the guys that are sent after "The Dude" are all sent by women.

Although neither gender seems better than the other in the movie, and they are both portrayed and low, stupid, and shallow.. THE WOMEN DO HAVE THE MOST POWER, SUCCESS AND BRAINS :)

A Quote From the Movie:

Maude Lebowski: The word itself makes some men uncomfortable. Vagina.

The Dude: Oh yeah?

Maude Lebowski: Yes. They don't like hearing it. And, find it difficult to say. Whereas, without bating an eye, a man will refer to his "dick" or his "rod" or his "Johnson."

The Dude: "Johnson?"

Demonstrating Maude's power, just in speech.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

EMS30 - Assignment #1: Media Profile & Blog

1. I believe that media is incredibly important in my life because it influences my actions and my day to day life. I rely on media to give me things to do when I'm bored, and keep me entertained. Its everywhere around us, and affects everyone is the community.

2. Music is one of the most important types of media to me because, there is a song for every mood I'm in, I can relate to the songs and the artist. Movies is a type of media I am passionate about because there is always a movie that somehow applies to my everyday life, the actors in movies give you many different points of view on situations. I enjoy reading magazines like Cosmopolitan because it supplies you with the latest gossip, and it has a lot of good information relating to life.

3. Modern popular culture is great but in my opinion, everyone relies on it way to much. I like that we have new technology such as laptops, computers, and cellphones but I do not like how everyone relies on it as much as they do, you shouldn't want to text your grandmother rather than go and see her. I use media to communicate, and for personal entertainment, but as well as for directions, homework, and finding information.

4. Music. Music is a form of media I have a strong, passionate connection to because you can always relate to music. Music tends to form to your mood, there is always a song for the way you feel. There is some part of the lyrics that speak to you, that you can relate to. I prefer country music because country songs are real and they have depth and meaning. They are written about life, and things people young and old have gone through, you can feel the emotion throughout the song, and know the exact story behind it. Music has changed who I am simply because I think differently due to the effect of the lyrics of some songs.