Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Big Lebowski Blog

The Big Lebowski

Compare and contrast the portrayal of both genders in this film. When gender is portrayed as more powerful? Which is smarter? Which is more successful?

The men in this movie are portrayed as losers, while the women are portrayed as shallow. So neither sex can really win in the sense of the way they are portrayed. BUT.. The woman do come off as more powerful, smarter and more successful. HOW? well.. take a look at these examples:

BUNNY- Uses her body as power, to manipulate people.
MAUDE- Supplies her father with allowance. Always in control of situations.

The women in The Big Lebowski use their gender to take advantage of situations.
All the guys that are sent after "The Dude" are all sent by women.

Although neither gender seems better than the other in the movie, and they are both portrayed and low, stupid, and shallow.. THE WOMEN DO HAVE THE MOST POWER, SUCCESS AND BRAINS :)

A Quote From the Movie:

Maude Lebowski: The word itself makes some men uncomfortable. Vagina.

The Dude: Oh yeah?

Maude Lebowski: Yes. They don't like hearing it. And, find it difficult to say. Whereas, without bating an eye, a man will refer to his "dick" or his "rod" or his "Johnson."

The Dude: "Johnson?"

Demonstrating Maude's power, just in speech.